Learning Rust in a Fun, Practical Way!

Join me in my journey of learning Rust, building a database and teaching it to others through fun little posts.

Chris Amirani

#1: Setting Up a New Rust Project

Hopefully by now you're all setup and ready to build. Let's start simple and just setup our project. If you have installed Rust correctly. You should start by running the following command: cargo init rusty-db In our case, we called our project rusty-db, but you…

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Chris Amirani

#2: Adding a Storage Module

Now that we have got our project up and running, let's actually implement the first piece we'll need to store data. To do that, I made a storage.rs file in my /src directory. This will be our storage module that we'll import later to use. Just like many other…

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Chris Amirani

#3: Importing Modules in Rust

Now that we have defined our storage.rs module, let's import it in our main module and test it with some data. There are many ways we can do an import, let's try a simple way for now. mod storage; use storage::Database; I used the mod keyword to…

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